2022.02.22 |
Command line tool lover and Free Software enthusiast Sven Guckes died
2021.02.20 |
Panel - Free Software development for the public administration
2017.08.24 |
FSFE at FrOSCon 2017
2017.06.01 |
Free Software at Church Days
2017.05.31 |
Recording for "Limux the loss of a lighthouse"
2016.08.31 |
Managing your talks at the FSFEsummit with giggity
2016.06.27 |
DORS/CLUC - an amazing conference
2016.03.23 |
Chemnitzer Linuxtage - Misunderstandings, compulsory routers, and new black NoCloud t-shirts
2016.03.07 |
Informing investigative journalists about Free Software at Logan CIJ
2015.12.02 |
Use GNOME to cross the street
#general purpose computing
2015.07.20 |
My interview for the keynote at Akademy published
#general purpose computing
#secure boot
2012.07.16 |
Berlin in August - Free Software at Campus Party
2012.07.16 |
Berlin in August - Free Software auf der Campus Party
2011.09.08 |
FSCONS - the place to be at 11-11-11
2011.05.13 |
Berlin Subway Free Software Advertisement - Squared
2011.03.30 |
DFD starts - First picture from Singapur
#Open Standards
2010.06.25 |
Inteviews vom GLT in Berlin
2010.03.05 |
More activities for Open Standards on Document Freedom Day
#open standards
2009.11.25 |
FSCONS - an amazing conference
2009.09.17 |
What I will do at Software Freedom Day 09
2009.07.23 |
Fellowship Jones and the Temple of Schnitzel
2009.06.16 |
NYR revised - Fellowship comic strip leaflet
2008.10.16 |
FSFE's Fellowship at Freedom not Fear in Berlin
2008.09.20 |
Free Software BBQ -- Celebrating Software Freedom Day in Berlin
2008.09.11 |
A lot to do, but we try to do a lot
2008.05.30 |
Want to be a winner???
2008.05.22 |
Sometimes the beginning is the end
2008.05.21 |
Busy preparing for GLT
2007.12.17 |
Teatime in Berlin
2007.11.14 |
Local Fellowship Meeting in Berlin on 13. November
2007.10.26 |
Computing "progress" - good and bad -- local Fellowshipmeeting in Berlin
2007.05.12 |
Wer kommt auf den Linuxtag nach Berlin?
2006.12.08 |
Update of local Fellowship Meeting in Berlin
2006.09.21 |
Bolzano -- I am coming
2005.11.18 |
GLWE - you only move twice
2005.11.05 |
Subject - Fellows of Berlin, raise your voice!