As promised here an update on our DFD activties for Germany and Austria.
This week the German and the Austrian team >published a press release about our DFD activity (at the moment only in German)). The news that we and FFII will give our this years DFD price to Deutschlandradio (Germany) and Radio Orange 94.0 for their use of Ogg-Vorbis already got good media coverage on Gulli, Golem, Heise, Netzpolitik, OSZine, and Pro-Linux.
I am now very much looking forward to Wednesday to meet the people from Deutschlandradio in Berlin. They said, they are also looking forward to get our famous DFD tart.
To spread the knowledge about Open Standards and Ogg-Vorbis in particular, we would like to ask you to make Ogg-Vorbis your topic for April. What does that mean? Here some ideas for this month:
Beside that I would also be very interested if you find out which radio stations have introduced Ogg-Vorbis streams at what date. If you have other ideas what you can do, share them in your blogs, microblog about them with the hashtags #roggon / #playogg, or share your ideas on our public dicsussion lists. So help us to rOgg On in April.