On 11 February I first thought that a spam bot found its way to order information materials from FSFE. Every minute we had several new orders for stickers and leaflets. Then I found out that FSFE's order page was mentioned on Reddit; in the comments of a picture post.
In the end over 200 people ordered stickers, leaflets, and posters from us while in 2015 we had \~370 orders in total. After 24 hours we had more orders than usually in 6 months. Beside the "no cloud" stickers people mainly ordered our leaflet with basic information about Free Software, the GnuPG leaflets, and our F-Droid leaflets.
It took our Berlin office team a while to process all of the orders, but on Friday the task was completed. Below you see two pictures: one with the packages from Thursday afternoon (in the morning we already shipped another batch without taking a picture), and the other with the Friday batch.