This Friday 21st, I am invited as an expert for the project group" Interoperability, Open Standards, and Free Software" of the German Parliament's "Enquete Internet und Digitale Gesellschaft" (EIDG). I had to answer the following two questions before:
Question 1: The Free/Libre or Open Source Software (FLOSS) impact study ( shows that Free Software has potentials for the European economy in the billion area. How did this develop since 2007? How can Germany use those potentials better? What are other countries doing, to use those potentials?
Question 2: There are many definitions of "Open Standard". Which definition describes it best, what is meant with interoperability in your opinion?
My answers, and those of the others are now available on the Parliament's website.
So on Friday from 11:00 to 13:00 there will be a public meeting about interoperability and standards (registration needed), and from 14:00 to 16:00 Free Software is on the agenda (registration needed). So if you are in Berlin, and you are interested: just register and meet me in the Bundestag! Else they also plan to have live streaming of the event.